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Braces vs Invisalign

Pros & Cons

Self-discipline is a requirement with Invisalign

Because fixed braces are immovable (as opposed to removable aligners), the wearer must stay true to their teeth-straightening course – which ultimately achieves great results for those who don’t want to be tempted to give up or lapse in their treatment. Fixed braces mean no regrets once they are finally removed and you can properly see the drastic transformation your teeth have gone through.

In addition to the point made above, braces only need to be adjusted once a month, but Invisalign aligners need changing every two weeks – while the individual focuses on not losing them and not mixing them up. Therefore, not as much self-discipline is required with braces because the dentist does most of the work while the individual focuses on brushing to maintain the cleanliness of the wires. Maintaining aligners is more demanding due to other requirements (apart from frequency in changing them) such as: needing to remove them at every meal and having to brush your teeth after every meal before putting the plastic trays back on as well.

Lastly, the owner may forget to put their removable aligners back in place because of the two-hour rest period Invisalign allows the patient.

Invisalign is less painful than fixed braces

One of the major cons of braces is the pain that comes with the appliance or tightening of the brackets and wires; the continuous pressure and ache of an uncomfortable metal contraption sitting on the teeth; the restrictions with what to eat and what not to eat in public in case something unremovable gets stuck in the metal. However, with Invisalign is renowned for being virtually painless and for reaching faster results than braces; furthermore, any worries about embarrassing oneself in public because of visibly lodged food particles are taken out of the equation altogether – the aligners are removed during meal times!
